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(c) flickr & Daniel R. Blume

スウェーデンのUniversity of Gothenburgで,世界初の母親から娘への子宮移植手術が2件,行われた。患者の一人は何年も前に子宮頸がんの手術で子宮が摘出されており,もう一人は生まれつき子宮がなかった。二人とも30歳代で,以前体外受精治療を受けていた。移植手術は10人以上の外科医を中心に実施され,合併症なく完了した。今後,拒絶反応がないことを確認し,1年ほど経過してから,以前の体外受精治療で得られた受精卵を子宮内に戻して妊娠の成立が試みられる。妊娠と出産が目的であるため,出産後には患者がもう一人子供を望まない限り,子宮は摘出されるという。(吉田素子)

World Unique Uterus Transplantation Performed in Gothenburg

Last weekend, a team of researchers at the University of Gothenburg performed the world’s first mother-to-daughter uterus transplantation. The procedure was completed without complications.

In the video, researchers from the University of Gothenburg gives a background to the research project and describes how the transplantation is performed.

On September 15-16, a team of researchers, physicians and specialists from the University of Gothenburg performed the world’s first mother-to-daughter uterus transplantation, when two Swedish women received new wombs donated by their mothers.

Completed without complications
The first patient have had her uterus removed many years ago because of surgery for cervical cancer; the other patient was born without a uterus. Both women, who are in their 30s, have undergone IVF-treatment well before transplantation.

The transplantations, which are the result of more than ten years of Swedish and international research collaboration, was completed without complications.

Surgeons trained for several years
“More than 10 surgeons, that had trained together on the procedure for several years, took part in the complicated surgery “ says team leader Mats Brännström, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Gothenburg chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital Women’s Clinic. “Both patients that received new uteri are doing fine but are tired after surgery. The donating mothers are up and walking and will be discharged from the hospital within a few days “.

Can help thousands of women
The aim of the uterus transplant research project is to enable women who had their uterus removed at a young age due to cervical cancer or who were born without a uterus to receive a new womb through transplantation.

uterus:子宮 transplantation:移植
researchers:研究者 mother-to-daughter:母から娘への complications:合併症
gives a background to:~の経緯を説明する
Swedish:スウェーデン人の wombs:子宮 donated:提供された
surgery:手術 cervical cancer:子宮頸がん have undergone:~を受けた IVF-treatment:体外受精治療 well before:~よりずっと以前に
took part in:~に参加した Obstetrics and Gynecology:産婦人科学 chief physician:医長 are up and walking:ベッドから起きて歩き回っている be discharged from:~から退院する



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