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(c) The Wilson lab, The Scripps Research Institute


Flu Antibody’s ‘One-Handed Grab’ May Boost Effort toward Universal Vaccine, New Therapies
Ads in Craigslist Lead to Potential Medical Advance

Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and Sea Lane Biotechnologies have solved the co-crystal structure of a human antibody that can neutralize influenza viruses in a unique way. The antibody recognizes the crucial structure that flu viruses use to attach to host cells, even though previously this structure had been thought too small for an antibody to grab effectively. The immune protein manages to hit this precise spot by using just a small part of its target-grabbing apparatus. In so doing, it can neutralize a broad range of dangerous flu viruses.

 “This highly focused binding to the receptor binding site using only a single loop on the antibody has never been seen before, and it’s really fascinating; it gives us some good ideas about designs for vaccines and therapies,” said Ian A. Wilson, the Hansen Professor of Structural Biology at Scripps Research. Wilson was senior investigator of the study along with Ramesh R. Bhatt of Sea Lane Biotechnologies. The report appears online ahead of print on September 16, 2012, in the journal Nature.

The Power of Large Numbers

Sea Lane Biotechnologies, advised by Richard Lerner, the Lita Annenberg Hazen Professor of Immunochemistry at Scripps Research, began by collecting bone marrow from patients who had been exposed to certain key strains of flu. Because the bone marrow is a “fossil record” of all the antibodies a person has ever made, those at Sea Lane felt confident that the antibodies they were looking for would be there.

Flu:インフルエンザ Antibody:抗体 One-Handed:片手での Grab:ひとつかみ Boost:~を促進する Universal Vaccine:万能ワクチン Therapies:治療 Ads:広告 Craigslist:クレイグスリスト(コミュニティーサイト名)
co-crystal structure:共結晶構造 neutralize:~を中和する viruses:ウイルス crucial:極めて重要な host cells:宿主細胞 grab:~をつかむ effectively:効果的に immune protein:免疫タンパク質 target-grabbing:目的物をつかむ apparatus:装置 broad range:広範囲
receptor binding site:受容体結合部位 fascinating:興味をそそる Structural Biology:構造生物学 senior investigator:研究責任者 online:オンラインに ahead of:~よりずっと前に 
Immunochemistry:免疫化学 bone marrow:骨髄 strains:株 fossil record:化石記録



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