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(c) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
研究を行ったJames Bradner医師


A Male Contraceptive Pill in the Making?

The development of a male contraceptive pill has long proven to be elusive, but findings from a new study may point scientists in the right direction to making oral birth control for men a reality.

Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Baylor College of Medicine report in the Aug. 17 issue of Cell that they have used a small molecule compound to generate reversible birth control in male mice.

The compound, called JQ1, penetrates the blood-testis boundary to disrupt spermatogenesis, the process by which sperm develop to become mature sperm. The result is a decrease in the number and quality of sperm. The study showed that normal sperm production resumed when JQ1 was discontinued, and JQ1 did not affect testosterone production, mating behavior, or the health of offspring conceived after JQ1 use.

"Our findings demonstrate that, when given to rodents, this compound produces a rapid and reversible decrease in sperm count and mobility with profound effects on fertility," said Dana-Farber's James Bradner, MD, the paper's senior author.

Martin Matzuk, MD, PhD, of Baylor College of Medicine, is the paper's first author.

JQ1 was originally synthesized at Dana-Farber to block BRD4, a cancer-causing gene. Named for the lead chemist, Jun Qi, PhD, in the Bradner laboratory, JQ1 has proven effective in models of lung cancer and in several blood cancers including leukemia and multiple myeloma. During the past two years, the Bradner group has provided JQ1 without charge to more than 350 laboratories around the world.

Contraceptive Pill:経口避妊薬 in the Making:作られつつある
elusive:当てにならない point ~ in the right direction:~を正しい方向に導く oral:経口の birth control:避妊(薬)
Researchers:研究者 Cancer:がん Cell:細胞(Cellは雑誌名) small molecule compound:小分子化合物 generate:~を起こす reversible:可逆的な mice:マウス
penetrates:~を透過する blood-testis:血液と精巣間の disrupt:破壊する spermatogenesis:精子形成 sperm:精子 resumed:再開した was discontinued:中止された testosterone:テストステロン mating behavior:交尾行動 offspring:子 conceived:身ごもった
rodents:げっ歯類 sperm count:精子数 mobility:運動性 profound:重大な fertility:妊孕性 MD:医師 senior author:主席著者
PhD:博士 first author:筆頭著者
was synthesized:合成された cancer-causing:発がん性の gene:遺伝子 Named for:~に由来する名前がつけられ lung cancer:肺がん blood cancers:血液がん leukemia:白血病 multiple myeloma:多発性骨髄腫 without charge to:無償で laboratories:研究室



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