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(c) 2012 Texas Tech University
Texas Tech UniversityのTang教授


Yi-Yuan Tang reported improved mood changes coincided with increased brain-signaling connections.

A Texas Tech scientist studying the Chinese mindfulness meditation known as integrative body-mind training (IBMT) said he and other researchers have confirmed and expanded on changes in structural efficiency of white matter in the brain that can be related to positive behavioral changes in subjects practicing the technique for a month and a minimum of 11 hours total.

In a paper appearing in the online Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), scientists Yi-Yuan Tang of Texas Tech and Michael Posner of the University of Oregon (UO) reported improved mood changes coincided with increased brain-signaling connections. They also found an expansion of myelin, the protective fatty tissue that surrounds the nerves, in the brain’s anterior cingulate region.

Deficits in activation for this area of the brain have been associated with attention deficit disorder, dementia, depression, schizophrenia and many other disorders, said Tang, who is now the director of Texas Tech’s Neuroimaging Institute and holder of the Presidential Endowed Chair in Neuroscience and professor in the Department of Psychology.

“When we got the results, we all got very excited because all of the other training exercises, like working-memory training or computer-based training, only have been shown to change myelination,” Tang said. “We believe these changes may be reflective of the time of training involved in IBMT. We found a different pattern of neural plasticity induced by the training.” 

Meditation:瞑想 Prompts:~を引き起こす Punch:効果 Brain:脳 White Matter:白質
mood changes:気分変動 coincided with:~と同時に起こった signaling:シグナル伝達
mindfulness meditation:マインドフルネス瞑想法 integrative body-mind training:心身統合瞑想法 researchers:研究者 expanded on:~をさらに詳しく調べた structural:構造的 behavioral:行動の subjects:被験者
online:オンラインの Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:米国科学アカデミー紀要 expansion:増大 myelin:ミエリン(髄鞘) protective:保護する fatty:脂肪質の nerves:神経 anterior cingulate region:前帯状領域
Deficits:不足 activation:活性化 have been associated with:~と関連付けられてきたattention deficit disorder:注意欠陥障害 dementia:認知症 depression:うつ病 schizophrenia:統合失調症 disorders:疾患 director:所長 Neuroimaging:神経画像 Presidential Endowed Chair:(教授職の名称) Neuroscience:神経科学 Psychology:心理学
working-memory:作業記憶 computer-based:コンピュータを使った myelination:ミエリン形成 be reflective of:~を反映している neural plasticity:神経可塑性 induced:誘発された



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