Weekly Topic

(c) The Scripps Research Institute
Scripps Research InstituteのThomas Burris教授

体内時計の調節により,肥満,糖尿病,高コレステロール,睡眠障害といったさまざまな問題を改善する可能性のある2つの化合物が合成された。これらの化合物は,生物の活動と代謝のリズムの作動に重要なタンパク質であるREV-ERBα やREV-ERBβを活性化する。食餌により肥満を誘発したマウスにこれらの化合物を1日2回,12日間投与すると,体脂肪量が減って肥満が改善し,コレステロール値と血糖値が低下した。また,マウスの活動性のリズムにも好影響を与えたことから,時差ぼけや睡眠障害の改善にも効果があると考えられる。(吉田素子)

Scripps Research Institute Scientists Create Compounds that Dramatically Alter Biological Clock and Lead to Weight Loss
The New Molecules Could Lead to Unique Treatments for Obesity, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, and Sleep Disorders

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have synthesized a pair of small molecules that dramatically alter the core biological clock in animal models, highlighting the compounds’ potential effectiveness in treating a remarkable range of disorders―including obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and serious sleep disorders.

The study was published on March 29, 2012, in an advance, online edition of the journal Nature.

The study showed that when administered in animal models the synthetic small molecules altered circadian rhythm and the pattern of core clock gene expression in the brain’s hypothalamus, the site of the master cellular clock that synchronizes daily rhythms in mammals; circadian rhythms are the physiological processes that respond to a 24-hour cycle of light and dark and are present in most living things.

When given to diet-induced obese mice, these same small molecules decreased obesity by reducing fat mass and markedly improving cholesterol levels and hyperglycemiachronically high blood sugar levels that frequently lead to diabetes.

“The idea behind this research is that our circadian rhythms are coupled with metabolic processes and that you can modulate them pharmacologically,” said Thomas Burris, a professor at Scripps Florida who led the study. “As it turns out, the effect of that modulation is surprisingly positive―everything has been beneficial so far.


Compounds:化合物 Dramatically:劇的に Biological Clock:体内時計 Lead to:~を引き起こす
Molecules:分子 Obesity:肥満 Diabetes:糖尿病 Cholesterol:コレステロール Sleep Disorders:睡眠障害
have synthesized:~を合成した a pair of:(2つ)一組の small molecules:小分子 core:中核となる animal models:動物モデル highlighting:明らかにした effectiveness:有効性 disorders:疾患 
online edition:オンライン版
administered:投与される synthetic:合成された circadian rhythm:概日リズム gene expression:遺伝子発現 brain:脳 hypothalamus:視床下部 cellular:細胞の synchronizes:~を同期する mammals:哺乳類 physiological:生理的 24-hour cycle of light and dark:24時間の明暗周期
diet-induced:食餌誘発性 obese:肥満の mice:マウス fat mass:体脂肪量 markedly:著しく hyperglycemia:高血糖 chronically:慢性的に blood sugar levels:血糖値
are coupled with:~と連動している metabolic processes:代謝過程 modulate:~を調節する pharmacologically:薬理学的に As it turns out:蓋を開けてみると modulation:調節 surprisingly:驚くほど beneficial:有益な so far:今までのところ




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