Weekly Topic

(c) University of California, San Francisco
UCSFのKirsten Bibbins-Domingo准教授

砂糖の入った飲料への課税で,医療費を大幅に削減できるとの試算結果が発表された。炭酸飲料,甘くしたお茶,スポーツドリンクなど砂糖を多く含む飲み物は,2型糖尿病や肥満の原因とされ,米国の一部の州や市でこれらの摂取を減らすための課税が検討されている。今回の試算では,米国全体での1オンス(約30 cc)当たり1セントの課税により,向こう10年間に10万例の心臓病,8,000例の脳卒中,24万例の糖尿病,2万6,000例の死亡を防げるとの結果が出た。130億ドルの税収入に加え,医療関連費用が170億ドルも節減できるとされている。(吉田素子)

How Many Lives Could a Soda Tax Save?

UCSF analysis suggests tax on sugary beverages would prevent heart disease, stroke and diabetes, save billions in health care costs

Every year, Americans drink 13.8 billion gallons of soda, fruit punch, sweet tea, sports drinks, and other sweetened beverages -- a mass consumption of sugar that is fueling soaring obesity and diabetes rates in the United States.

Now a group of scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (SFGH) and Columbia University have analyzed the effect of a nationwide tax on these sugary drinks.

They estimate slapping a penny-per-ounce tax on sweetened beverages would prevent nearly 100,000 cases of heart disease, 8,000 strokes, and 26,000 deaths over the next decade.

“You would also prevent 240,000 cases of diabetes per year,” said Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, MD, PhD, an associate professor of medicine and of epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF and acting director of the Center for Vulnerable Populations at the UCSF-affiliated SFGH.

In addition to $13 billion per year in direct tax revenue, Bibbins-Domingo and her colleagues estimated that such a tax would save the public $17 billion over the next decade in health care-related expenses due to the decline of obesity-related diseases.

 “Our hope is that these types of numbers are useful for policy makers to weigh decisions,” she said.

High Cost of High-Calorie Drinks
Consumption of beverages high in calories but poor in nutritional value is the number one source of added sugar and excess calories in the American diet.

sugary:砂糖がたくさん入った beverages:飲み物 heart disease:心臓病 stroke:脳卒中 diabetes:糖尿病 health care costs:医療費
gallons:ガロン(米国の1ガロン=3.785リットル) fruit punch:フルーツポンチ sweetened:砂糖で甘くした mass consumption:大量消費 is fueling:~をあおっている soaring:急上昇している,右肩上がりの obesity:肥満
Trauma:外傷 nationwide:全国的な
slapping:~を科すこと penny-per-ounce:1オンス(約30 cc)当たり1セントの
MD:医師 PhD:博士 associate professor:准教授 epidemiology:疫学 biostatistics:生物統計学 acting director:センター長代理 Vulnerable:影響を受けやすい -affiliated:~に付属した
tax revenue:税収入 colleagues:同僚・研究仲間 -related:~に関連した 
policy makers:政策立案者 weigh:~を熟考する
nutritional value:栄養価



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