Weekly Topic

(c) Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Luciano DiTacchio研究員とSatchidananda Panda准教授


"Alarm Clock" Gene Explains Wake-up Function of Biological Clock
Finding Promising Insight into Sleeplessness, Aging and Chronic Illness, Such as Diabetes and Cancer

Ever wondered why you wake up in the morning -- even when the alarm clock isn't making jarring noises? Wonder no more. Researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have identified a new component of the biological clock, a gene responsible for starting the clock from its restful state every morning.

The biological clock ramps up our metabolism early each day, initiating important physiological functions that tell our bodies that it's time to rise and shine. Discovery of this new gene and the mechanism by which it starts the clock everyday may help explain the genetic underpinnings of sleeplessness, aging and chronic illnesses, such as cancer and diabetes, and could eventually lead to new therapies for these illnesses.

"The body is essentially a collection of clocks," says Satchidananda Panda, an associate professor in Salk's Regulatory Biology Laboratory, who led the research along with Luciano DiTacchio, a post-doctoral research associate. "We roughly knew what mechanism told the clock to wind down at night, but we didn't know what activated us again in the morning. Now that we've found it, we can explore more deeply how our biological clocks malfunction as we get older and develop chronic illness."

In a report published today in the journal Science, the Salk researchers and their collaborators at McGill University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine describe how the gene KDM5A encodes a protein, JARID1a, that serves as an activation switch in the biochemical circuit that maintains our circadian rhythm.

Gene:遺伝子 Wake-up:目覚ましの Biological:生物学的 Promising:有望な Insight:知見 Sleeplessness:不眠 Aging:老化 Chronic Illness:慢性疾患 Diabetes:糖尿病 Cancer:癌
jarring:耳障りな Researchers:研究者 restful:くつろいだ
ramps up:~を高める metabolism:代謝 initiating:~を開始する physiological:生理学的 rise and shine:起床する genetic:遺伝的 underpinnings:基礎 lead to:~につながる therapies:治療法
associate professor:准教授 Regulatory Biology:生体制御学 Laboratory:研究室 post-doctoral:博士課程終了後の research associate:研究員 wind down:静まる activated:~を活性化した malfunction:正常に機能しない
collaborators:共同研究者 encodes:コード化する protein:タンパク質 activation:活性化 biochemical:生化学的 circadian rhythm:概日リズム,サーカディアンリズム



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