Weekly Topic

(c) Stanford University School of Medicine
論文の筆頭著者Oscar Abilez氏

光に反応して鼓動する心臓の細胞が,初めて作成された。光に反応するタンパク質 ChR2をコード化するDNAをヒト胚性幹細胞に注入して作られたもので,特定の波長の青い光を当てるとリズミカルに鼓動する。将来,光に反応する心筋細胞を患者自身の幹細胞から作成して心臓に注射し,それらを心臓の外から光でコントロールすることで,拒絶反応の心配がなく組織の損傷も少ない新しいタイプの心臓ペースメーカーが実現するかもしれない。また,心臓発作で損傷を受けた心筋の代わりとなる組織パッチにも応用できる可能性がある。(吉田素子)

Researchers Create First Human Heart Cells That can be Paced with Light

In a compact lab space at Stanford University, Oscar Abilez, MD, trains a microscope on a small collection of cells in a petri dish. A video recorder projects what the microscope sees on a nearby monitor. The cells in the dish pulse rhythmically, about once a second. The cells are cardiomyocytes, which drive the force-producing and pacemaker functions of the human heart. They are programmed to pulse. They will beat this way until they die.

Abilez holds up a finger as if to say, “Wait,” and reaches for a small lever hidden behind the microscope. With the same finger, he flips the lever up. A pale, blue light floods the petri dish. Abilez flicks the light off and then on; first fast and then slow. Each time his finger goes up, the heart cells contract in concert with the light.

In a paper published Sept. 21 in the Biophysical Journal, lead author Abilez, a postdoctoral scholar and PhD candidate in bioengineering, and a multidisciplinary team from Stanford describe how they have for the first time engineered human heart cells that can be paced with light using a technology called optogenetics.

In the near term, say the researchers, the advance will provide new insight into heart function. In the long term, however, the development could lead to an era of novel, light-based pacemakers and genetically matched tissue patches that replace muscle damaged by a heart attack.

Researchers:研究者 Heart:心臓 Cells:細胞 be Paced with:~で調整される
lab:実験室 microscope:顕微鏡 petri dish:ペトリ皿 video recorder:ビデオレコーダー pulse:鼓動する rhythmically:リズミカルに cardiomyocytes:心筋細胞 force-producing:力を生み出す pacemaker:ペースメーカー are programmed to:~するようプログラムされている
reaches for:~に手を伸ばす lever:レバー flips~up:~を上げる flicks the light off:カチッと明かりを消す contract:収縮する in concert with:~に合わせて
Biophysical:生物物理学の(Biophysical Journalは雑誌名) lead author:筆頭著者 postdoctoral scholar:博士課程修了後の研究者 PhD candidate:博士号取得の候補者 bioengineering:生物工学 multidisciplinary:学際的な optogenetics:光遺伝学
In the near term:近いうちに insight:知見 In the long term:長期的には lead to:~をもたらす light-based:光に基づく genetically:遺伝学的に tissue:組織 heart attack:心臓発作



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