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News Release from Rutgers University on August 15, 2011.


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Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Researchのディレクター,Allan Conney教授


Rutgers Study: More Evidence that Caffeine Lowers Risk of Skin Cancer

It might be coffee-based sunscreen that works best to block damaging ultraviolet light

There might be a time when instead of just drinking that morning cup of coffee you lather it on your skin as a way of preventing harmful sun damage or skin cancer.

A new Rutgers study strengthens the theory that caffeine guards against certain skin cancers at the molecular level by inhibiting a protein enzyme in the skin, known as ATR. Scientists believe that based on what they have learned studying mice, caffeine applied directly to the skin might help prevent damaging ultraviolet light from causing skin cancer.

Prior research indicated that mice that were fed caffeinated water and exposed to lamps that generated UVB radiation that damaged the DNA in their skin cells were able to kill off a greater percentage of their badly damaged cells and reduce the risk of cells becoming cancerous.

“Although it is known that coffee drinking is associated with a decreased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer, there now needs to be studies to determine whether topical caffeine inhibits sunlight-induced skin cancer,” said Allan Conney, professor of Chemical Biology and director of the Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.

In this newly-published study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, instead of inhibiting ATR with caffeinated water, Rutgers researchers, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Washington, genetically modified and diminished the levels of ATR in one group of mice.

Rutgers:ラトガーズ(大学の名称。Rutgers University) Caffeine:カフェイン Skin Cancer:皮膚癌
-based:~から作られる sunscreen:日焼け止め ultraviolet light:紫外線
strengthens:~を強固にする guards against:~を防ぐ molecular:分子の inhibiting:~を抑制すること protein:タンパク質 enzyme:酵素 ATR:(酵素の名称) mice:マウス
caffeinated:カフェイン入りの generated:~を発生した UVB:紫外線B波 radiation:放射 cells:細胞 kill off:~を全滅させる cancerous:癌性の
is associated with:~と関連している non-melanoma:非メラノーマ性の topical:外用の -induced:~によって誘発される Chemical Biology:化学生物学 Laboratory:研究所 Pharmacy:薬学
newly-published:新たに発表された Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:米国科学アカデミー紀要 researchers:研究者 in collaboration with:~と協力して genetically modified:~の遺伝子を組み換えた diminished:~を低下させた



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