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慢性的ストレスが心臓発作の一因になることが髪の毛で検証された。心臓発作後の患者と発作のなかった人(各56名)の髪の毛3 cmを比較したところ,心臓発作後の患者の方がコルチゾールの濃度が高かった。仕事,結婚生活,金銭上の問題などによる慢性的ストレスは,心血管疾患のリスクを上昇させる。ストレスで増えるホルモン・コルチゾールは,血液などで測定するとその時点のストレスしか示さないが,髪は1カ月約1 cm伸びるため,髪の毛3 cmのコルチゾール濃度は過去3カ月のストレスを表すことになり,慢性的ストレスのよい指標になるという。(吉田素子)

Researchers(1) at The University of Western Ontario have provided the first direct evidence using a biological marker(2), to show chronic(3) stress(4) plays an important role in(5) heart attacks(6).

Stressors(7) such as job, marital(8) and financial problems have been linked to the increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease(9) including heart attack. But there hasn’t been a biological marker to measure chronic stress.

Gideon Koren and Stan Van Uum developed a method to measure cortisol(10) levels in hair providing an accurate assessment(11) of stress levels in the months prior to(12) an acute(13) event(14) such as a heart attack. The research is published online(15) in the journal Stress.

Cortisol is considered to be a stress hormone(16). Its secretion(17) is increased during times of stress. Traditionally(18) it’s been measured in serum(19), urine(20) and saliva(21), but that only shows stress at the time of measurement, not over longer periods of time. Cortisol is also captured in the hair shaft(22).

Intuitively(23) we know stress is not good for you, but it’s not easy to measure,” explains Koren, who holds the Ivey Chair in Molecular Toxicology(24) at Western’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry(25).

“We know that on average(26), hair grows one centimetre (cm) a month, and so if we take a hair sample six cm long, we can determine stress levels for six months by measuring the cortisol level in the hair.”

In the study, hair samples three cm long were collected from 56 male adults who were admitted to(27) the Meir Medical Centre in Kfar-Saba, Israel suffering heart attacks.

(1) 研究者 (2) 生物学的マーカー (3) 慢性的 (4) ストレス (5) ~に重要な役割を果たす 
(6) 心臓発作 (7) ストレス因子 (8) 結婚生活の (9) 心血管病 (10) コルチゾール (11) 評価 
(12) ~より前に (13) 急性の (14) イベント (15) オンラインで発表される 
(16) ストレスホルモン (17) 分泌 (18) 従来 (19) 血清 (20) 尿 (21) 唾液 (22) 毛幹 
(23) 直観的に (24) 分子毒性学 (25) 歯科 (26) 平均して (27) ~に入院した,収容された



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