Weekly Topic


Press Release from Center for Disease Control and Prevention on February 14, 2008.


(C) flickr & soimless


At least 82 youth have died as a result of playing what has been called “the choking game(1),” according to(2) a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(3) in today′s Morbidity(4) and Mortality(5) Weekly Report. The choking game involves(6) intentionally(7) trying to choke(8) oneself or another in an effort to(9) obtain(10) a brief(11) euphoric state(12) or “high(13).” Death or serious injury can result if strangulation(14) is prolonged(15).

Eighty–seven percent of these deaths were among males, and most fatalities(16) occurred among those 11 years to 16 years old; the average age was 13, the report said. Choking game deaths were identified(17) in 31 states, it said.

CDC found that most of the deaths occurred when a child engaged in(18) the choking game alone, and that most parents were unaware of(19) the choking game prior to(20) their child′s death.

“Because most parents in the study had not heard of the choking game, we hope to raise awareness of(21) the choking game among parents, health care providers(22), and educators(23), so they can recognize warning signs(24) of the activity,” said Robin L. Toblin, Ph.D.(25), M.P.H.(26), the study′s lead author(27). “This is especially important because children themselves may not appreciate(28) the dangers of this activity.”

Three or fewer choking game–related(29) deaths per year were reported in the news media(30) from 1995 to 2004, the report said. However, 22 deaths occurred in 2005, and 35 in 2006. Nine deaths occurred in the first 10 months of 2007; the explanation for this decrease is unclear. The researchers(31) said the study probably underestimates(32) the number of deaths.


(1) 窒息ゲーム (2) ~によると (3) 疾病対策予防センター (4) 罹患率 (5) 死亡率 (6) ~を伴う
(7) 意図的に (8) 窒息させる (9) ~するために (10) ~を手に入れる (11) 短時間の (12) 陶酔状態
(13) (気分が)ハイな状態 (14) 首を絞めること (15) 長引く (16) 死亡,致死 (17) 確認された
(18) ~に関わった (19) ~に気づかなかった (20) ~の前に (21) ~に対する認識を高める
(22) 医療提供者 (23) 教育者 (24) 警戒するべき兆し (25) 博士(=Doctor of Philosophy)
(26) 公衆衛生学修士(=Master of Public Health) (27) 主執筆者 (28) よく理解する
(29) ~に関連した (30) 報道媒体 (31) 研究者 (32) 過小評価する




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