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Gazing(1) into your lover’s eyes isn’t only romantic; it may also mimic(2) early attachments(3) that forever alter(4) your brain and body.

Researchers(5) at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine are studying whether the brain hormone(6) released(7) with touches, hugs(8), or when a mother and her newborn baby(9) bond(10) might help patients with schizophrenia(11), social anxiety(12) and a variety of other disorders(13).

Oxytocin(14) is a brain chemical(15) associated with(16) pair bonding(17), including mother-infant(18) and male-female bonds, increased paternal involvement(19) with children, and monogamy(20) in certain rodents(21), according to(22) Kai MacDonald, M.D.(23), assistant clinical professor of psychiatry(24) at UCSD.

In humans, oxytocin is released during hugging(25) and pleasant physical(26) touch, and plays a part in(27) the human sexual response cycle(28). It appears to change the brain signals(29) related to social recognition(30) via facial expressions(31), perhaps by changing the firing(32) of the amygdala(33), the part of the brain that plays a primary(34) role in the processing of important emotional stimuli(35). In this way, oxytocin in the brain may be a potent(36) mediator(37) of human social behavior(38).

“That’s why oxytocin is sometimes called ‘the love hormone,’” said MacDonald. “It’s said that the eyes are the window to the soul(39)…they certainly are the window to the emotional brain. We know that the eye-to-eye(40) communication―which is affected by(41) oxytocin―is critical to intimate(42) emotional communication for all kind of emotions – love, fear, trust, anxiety.”

He adds that people with schizophrenia or autism(43) often avoid eye-to-eye gaze(44), focus on less relevant(45) areas of the face, and avoid meaningful(46) social contact(47).

(1) 見つめること (2) ~によく似ている (3) 愛情,愛着 (4) ~を変える (5) 研究者 (6) ホルモン
(7) 放出された (8) 抱擁 (9) 新生児 (10) 絆 (11) 統合失調症 (12) 社会不安 (13) 障害,病気
(14) オキシトシン (15) 脳内化学物質 (16) ~に関連した (17) 二者の絆の形成 (18) 母子
(19) 父親の関わり (20) 一夫一婦制 (21) げっ歯類 (22) ~によると (23) 医学博士
(24) 臨床精神医学講師 (25) 抱擁すること (26) 身体的な (27) ~に役立つ (28) 性反応周期
(29) 脳の信号 (30) 社会認識 (31) 顔の表情 (32) 発火 (33) 扁桃体 (34) 主要な
(35) 感情的な刺激 (36) 強力な (37) 媒介物質 (38) 社会的行動 (39) 目は心の窓である
(40) 目と目の (41) ~に影響を受ける (42) 親密な (43) 自閉症 (44) 注視 (45) 関連のある
(46) 意味のある (47) 社会的接触



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