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A study published today in the Archives(1) of Internal Medicine(2) by researchers(3) at King’s College London, has shown that people who exercise more in their free time appear to be biologically(4) younger than their more sedentary(5) counterparts(6).

Professor(7) Tim Spector and Dr Lynn Cherkas from the Twin(8) Research & Genetic Epidemiology(9) Unit at King’s College London, together with Professor Abraham Aviv in New Jersey, looked for evidence(10) of ageing(11) at a molecular level(12) in the population by analysing telomeres(13), which cap(14) the end of chromosomes(15) in our cells(16) and protect them from damage. 

With age, our telomeres shorten(17), leaving(18) us more susceptible to(19) cell damage(20), which causes disease. However, there is considerable variation between people, and recent research has already highlighted(21) several lifestyle(22) factors such as smoking and obesity(23) that are associated with shorter than average telomeres.

Physical activity(24) has already been shown to have a major impact on health: frequent exercisers(25) display reduced cardiovascular(26) risk and are at lower risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus(27), cancer(28), hypertension(29), obesity and osteoporosis(30). However, despite(31) the known benefits of physical activity, inactivity(32) continues to be a major public health problem(33), increasing the propensity to(34) age-related(35) diseases and death.

This study suggests that a sedentary lifestyle may diminish(36) life expectancy(37) not only by predisposing to(38) age-related diseases but also because it may influence the ageing process itself.

The investigators(39) recruited(40) 2,401 volunteers(41) from the UK aged 18-81 years onto the study. The study population was comprised of(42) MZ twins (Identical twins(43)) and DZ twins (Fraternal Twins(44)). Comparing the telomere lengths of twins who were raised together but take different amounts of exercise, reduces the effect of genetic and environmental(45) variation and so provides a more powerful test of the hypothesis(46).

(1) 保存記録(Archives of Internal Medicineは雑誌名) (2) 内科学 (3) 研究者 (4) 生物学的に
(5) 座りがちな (6) 同等の人(この場合,その他の条件が同じで,運動する人に対して運動しない人)
(7) 教授 (8) 双子 (9) 遺伝疫学 (10) 科学的根拠 (11) 老化 (12) 分子レベルで (13) テロメア(末端小粒)
(14) ~の最後を締めくくる (15) 染色体 (16) 細胞 (17) 短くなる (18) ある状態のままにしておく
(19) ~を受けやすい (20) 細胞損傷 (21) すでに明らかにした (22) 生活習慣 (23) 肥満 (24) 身体活動
(25) 運動する人 (26) 心血管の (27) II型糖尿病 (28) 癌 (29) 高血圧 (30) 骨粗しょう症
(31) ~にもかかわらず (32) 運動不足 (33) 公衆衛生上の問題 (34) ~にかかりやすい傾向
(35) 年齢に関連した (36) 短縮する (37) 寿命 (38) ~にかかりやすくすること (39) 研究者
(40) 登録した (41) ボランティア (42) ~から成る (43) 一卵性双生児 (44) 二卵性双生児
(45) 環境の (46) 仮説



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