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About 3.1 million people in the United States aged 12 to 25 (5.3 percent of this age group) have used over-the-counter(1) (non-prescription(2)) cough and cold medicines(3) to get high(4) at least once in their lifetimes, according to a report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration(5) (SAMHSA).

Newly analyzed(6) data from the National Survey(7) of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) show the number is comparable to(8) those who say they have used LSD(9) (3.1 million), and is significantly(10) greater than the number who reported having tried methamphetamines(11) (2.4 million).

Overdosing(12) on many cough and cold medications may result in(13) serious life-threatening(14) adverse reactions(15). Adverse reactions include blurred vision(16), loss of physical coordination(17), intense(18) abdominal pain(19), vomiting(20), uncontrolled(21) violent(22) muscle spasms(23), irregular heartbeat(24), delirium(25) and death.

The NSDUH survey also found that the number of 12- to-25-year-olds who reported misuse(26) of non-prescription cough and cold medicines in the past year (1 million) exceeded(27) the number claiming to have used methamphetamines (740,000) and LSD (485,000) in the past year. The number was somewhat lower than the number of young people reporting that they had used the drug Ecstasy(28) (1.5 million) in the past year.

The survey, conducted(29) by SAMHSA, is the largest of its kind and involves(30) interviewing(31) nearly 67,000 people from around the nation, including almost 45,000 persons aged 12 to 25.

Patterns of misuse of non-prescription drugs varied among demographic(32) groups. Females aged 12 to 17 were more likely than their male counterparts(33) to have misused(34) these drugs within the past year (2.3 percent vs. 1.5 percent).

(1) OTCの(処方箋なしで購入できる) (2) 処方箋が必要ない (3) 咳止め薬や風邪薬
(4) いい気持ちになる(麻薬などでハイになる) (5) 薬物乱用・精神衛生管理庁 (6) 分析された
(7) 調査 (8) ~に匹敵する (9) リセルグ酸ジエチルアミド(幻覚剤) (10) かなり
(11) メタンフェタミン(覚せい剤) (12) 過量摂取 (13) ~をもたらす (14) 生命にかかわる
(15) 有害反応 (16) かすみ目 (17) 身体的協調 (18) 激しい (19) 腹痛 (20) 嘔吐
(21) 制御できない (22) 強烈な (23) 筋肉の痙縮 (24) 不整脈 (25) せん妄 (26) 乱用
(27) 上回った (28) エクスタシー(麻薬) (29) 実施された (30) ~を含む (31) 面接調査
(32) 人口統計学の (33) 同等の人々(この場合,同じ年齢層の人々) (34) 乱用した



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