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In a study of the maternity(1) records of more than 6,000 women, David J.P. Barker, M.D., Ph.D., and Kent Thornburg, Ph.D., of Oregon Health & Science University discovered a strong correlation(2) between the size and shape of a woman's hips and her daughter's risk of breast cancer(3). Wide, round hips, the researchers(4) postulated(5), represent(6) markers(7) of high sex hormone(8) concentrations(9) in the mother, which increase her daughter's vulnerability to(10) breast cancer.

A woman's hips are shaped at puberty(11) when the growth of the hip bones (12) is controlled by sex hormones but is also influenced(13) by the level of nutrition(14). Every woman has a unique(15) sex hormone profile(16) which is established(17) at puberty and persists(18) through her reproductive life(19). The study's findings show for the first time that the pubertal(20) growth spurt(21) of girls is strongly associated with(22) the risk of breast cancer in their daughters. The study, carried out(23) with colleagues(24) in Finland and the United Kingdom, is described in an article just published online(25) by the peer-reviewed(26) American Journal of Human Biology. The authors(27) followed up(28) on 6,370 women born in Helsinki(29) from 1934 to 1944 whose mothers' pelvic bones(30) were measured during routine(31) prenatal care(32). The study found that breast cancer rates(33) were more than three times higher(34) among the women in the cohort(35), born at or after term(36), whose mothers had wide hips. They were more than seven times higher if those mothers had already given birth to(37) one or more children.

(1) 出産の (2) 相関 (3) 乳癌 (4) 研究者 (5) 主張した (6) 示す (7) マーカー,指標 (8) 性ホルモン
(9) 濃度 (10) ~へのかかりやすさ (11) 思春期 (12) 寛骨 (13) ~の影響を受ける (14) 栄養 (15) 固有の
(16) 特徴 (17) 作られる,構築される (18) 持続する (19) (生涯のうち)生殖可能な期間 (20) 思春期の
(21) 成長期 (22) ~と関連している (23) 実施された (24) 同業者 (25) オンラインで発表された
(26) 論文審査のある (27) 著者 (28) 追跡調査した (29) ヘルシンキ(フィンランドの首都) (30) 骨盤
(31) 日常の,定期的な (32) 出産前のケア (33) 乳癌の発症率 (34) 3倍以上 (35) コホート(集団)
(36) 出産予定日かその後に生まれた (37) すでに~を出産した



★No.30 今週のフレーズ




★No.64 今週の英単語


医学ニュース de 英語







No.9 米国心臓協会年次学術集会より:“老け顔”の人は心疾患にご用心?!