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Press Release from UC Berkeley on February 6, 2007


(C) morgueFile & Mary R. Vogt


Just a few whiffs(1) of a chemical found in male sweat is enough to(2) raise levels of cortisol(3), a hormone commonly(4) associated with(5) alertness(6) or stress, in heterosexual(7) women, according to(8) a new study by University of California, Berkeley, scientists.

The study, reported this week in The Journal of Neuroscience, provides the first direct evidence(9) that humans, like rats, moths(10) and butterflies, secrete(11) a scent(12) that affects the physiology(13) of the opposite sex(14).

"This is the first time anyone has demonstrated(15) that a change in women's hormonal levels(16) is induced by(17) sniffing(18) an identified(19) compound(20) of male sweat," as opposed to(21) applying(22) a chemical to the upper lip(23), said study leader(24) Claire Wyart, a post-doctoral fellow(25) at UC Berkeley.

The team's work was inspired by(26) previous(27) studies by Wyart's colleague Noam Sobel, associate professor(28) of psychology(29) at UC Berkeley and director of the Berkeley Olfactory Research(30) Program. He found that the chemical androstadienone(31) - a compound found in male sweat and an additive(32) in perfumes(33) and colognes(34) - changed mood, sexual arousal(35), physiological arousal(36) and brain activation(37) in women.

Yet, contrary to(38) perfume company advertisements, there is no hard evidence(39) that humans respond to the smell of androstadienone or any other chemical in a subliminal or instinctual way(40) similar to the way many mammals(41) and even insects respond to pheromones(42), Wyart said. Though some humans exhibit a small patch(43) inside their nose resembling the vomeronasal organ(44) in rats that detects(45) pheromones, it appears to be vestigial(46), with no nerve connection to(47) the brain.

(1) ひと嗅ぎ (2) ~に十分である (3) コルチゾール (4) 一般に (5) ~と関連づけられる 
(6) 覚醒状態  (7) 異性愛の (8) ~によると (9) 直接的証拠(エビデンス) (10) 蛾 
(11) 分泌する(出す) (12) 臭い  (13) 生理 (14) 異性 (15) 実証した (16) ホルモンのレベル 
(17) ~に誘発される (18) 臭いを嗅ぐこと  (19) 同定されている (20) 化合物 
(21) ~とは対照的に (22) 塗ること (23) 上唇 (24) 研究主任  (25) 博士課程修了後の研究員
(26) ~から着想を得た (27) 以前の (28) 助(准)教授 (29) 心理学 (30) 嗅覚の研究
(31) アンドロスタジエノン (32) 添加物 (33) 香水 (34) オーデコロン (35) 性的興奮 
(36) 生理学的覚醒  (37) 脳の活性化 (38) ~と違って (39) 確かな証拠 
(40) 意識下であるいは本能的に (41) 哺乳動物 (42) フェロモン  (43) 斑 
(44) 鼻鋤骨器官(性フェロモンを感知する器官) (45) 感知する (46) 痕跡の 
(47) ~への神経接続がない



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