Home > 海外学会プラスE|2010 > ESMO 2010 > 「Special Symposium:欧州におけるがん治療・管理の違いを超えて」の共同座長・Hans-Jorg Senn氏に聞く


「Special Symposium:欧州におけるがん治療・管理の違いを超えて」の共同座長・Hans-Jorg Senn氏に聞く

「Special Symposium:欧州におけるがん治療・管理の違いを超えて」の共同座長・Hans-Jorg Senn氏に聞く

 本セッションでは,タイトルが示す通り,イギリス,イタリア,オランダ,スイス,ルクセンブルグの5カ国の演者が次々に登壇し,社会的不平等とがんとの関係,欧州におけるがん生存率の違い,がんコントロール計画などについて,活発な討議が行われた。その共同座長,スイス・Tumor and Breast Center ZeTuPのHans-Jorg Senn氏に,セッションの感想を聞いた。(平井佐知)

編集部 グローバルな視点で議論された大変興味深いセッションでした。このテーマの重要性はどこにあるとお考えですか?
Senn氏 speaker
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Key Words
systemic treatment:全身療法

You see, this session at the ESMO Congress, which is the Medical Oncology Congress in Europe, has been set up because we, even as internists, treating cancer patients with drugs and systemic treatments, realize that treatment alone will not bring us to the point where we have less cancer in maybe 10 or 20 years, especially we cannot by treatment, we cannot reduce the incidence of cancer, especially of important and frequent ones like breast cancer, which is also rising in Japan, as we know, or lung cancer and so on, and we would like to unite with the politicians of the European Union or the European Parliament.


And together with the healthcare professionals in order to implement preventive strategies in reducing the rates of lung cancer by reducing smoking and other exposures and also breast cancer by doing maybe primary and secondary prevention like mammography screening or doing studies in reducing the incidence of breast cancer by drugs like anti-estrogens in higher-risk women with a familial history of breast cancer. And, therefore, we also have these sessions on prevention or on cancer control or on chronic disease alliance around this meeting here in Milano.

編集部 今年のESMOにも多くのオンコロジストが海外から参加しています。本学会の印象をお聞かせください。
Senn氏 speaker
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Key Words

…is more -- is, as I have said, medical oncology community, and has greatly grown. So, I think that 30 years ago we had started these meetings with a 1,000 participants. Now, there are 15,000 people here, not only from Europe, as I see only, from the rest of the world like the Eastern Asian countries or also Americans and so on. And we realize that this is becoming some kind of a global meeting like the ASCO Meeting, which is a similar meeting over in the United States.


I think it is a very broad and comprehensive meeting. Unfortunately, there are more and more parallel sessions, then you get in trouble of selection, and you don’t know how long you may have to go. You have to make your own priorities. It is more and more becoming more than just medical, like here it’s prevention, it’s cancer control, it’s also radiotherapy and a combination with medical treatments, surgery combined with medical treatments. So, it’s becoming more and more an integral Oncology Congress.


And, I think, the program was good. It can be always improved like everything in the world, and I hope that we also have maybe more representatives and communications with other parts of the world, as you represent from Japan.

編集部 日本のオンコロジストとの連携についてはいかがですか?
Senn氏 speaker
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Key Words
breast cancer:乳がん
good ties:よい関係

I’m primarily a breast cancer oncologist, so a medical oncologist treating mainly breast cancer, adjuvant, or even preventive or unfortunately relapse also for later stage of the disease. We have very good connections with Japan. I have also been invited by the Japanese Breast Cancer Society; for example, last December, to Tokyo, at their meeting and given there a lecture.

We also are in St. Gallen, Switzerland, which is -- part of this is more complex, the site of a biannual big breast cancer meeting with more than 5,000 people there from around the world, also many from Japan.

So you see, there are links going on and we think the Japanese are doing a very good job, you have good trial structures, you are also represented on the St. Gallen International Consensus Panel on how to optimally treat breast cancer, so we have good ties, and I think your medical system is certainly in the east part of the world, the most developed, with which we could best be compared on the European level.

Home > 海外学会プラスE|2010 > ESMO 2010 > 「Special Symposium:欧州におけるがん治療・管理の違いを超えて」の共同座長・Hans-Jorg Senn氏に聞く
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