(c) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
主席著者Harvey Cantor医師
New Strategy Prevents Rheumatoid Arthritis in Mice
Infusions of Regulatory T Cells Turn Off Autoimmune Attack on Joints
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists have demonstrated a new strategy for treating autoimmune disease that successfully blocked the development of rheumatoid arthritis in a mouse model. They say it holds promise for improved treatment of arthritis and other autoimmune disorders in people.
The scientists report in the Journal of Clinical Investigation that infusing a highly specific type of cell that regulates immune responses into arthritis-prone mice shuts down the cascade of inflammation that damages tissues and joints.
The method worked best when the infusions of CD8+ Treg cells were given at the same time that the animals were injected with a protein that triggered the arthritis-causing autoimmune reaction. "We found we could almost completely inhibit the disease in this setting," said Harvey Cantor, MD, chair of the Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS at Dana-Farber and the study's senior author.
Even when administered weeks after the disease was initiated, CD8+ Treg infusions combined with low doses of methotrexate -- a commonly used drug for rheumatoid arthritis -- were able to significantly slow the arthritis process, the scientists reported.
The new strategy also blocked disease progression when the scientists injected peptide antigens to expand the rodents' own pool of CD8+ Tregs, rather than infusing them from outside. Overall, the results "suggest that [these] strategies represent a promising therapeutic approach to autoimmune disorders," the researchers wrote.
Strategy:戦略 Rheumatoid Arthritis:関節リウマチ Mice:マウス
Infusions:注入 Regulatory T Cells:調節性T細胞 Turn Off:~(のスイッチ)を切る Autoimmune:自己免疫による Attack:攻撃
autoimmune disease:自己免疫疾患 successfully blocked:阻止に成功した model:(疾患などの動物)モデル holds promise for:~に有望である arthritis:関節炎
Clinical Investigation:臨床研究(Journal of Clinical Investigationは雑誌名) infusing:注入すること regulates:~を制御する immune responses:免疫応答 -prone:~に罹りやすい shuts down:~を停止する cascade of:一連の inflammation:炎症 tissues:組織
CD8+:特定の種類の調節性T細胞の名称 Treg:調節性T細胞(Regulatory T cellと同義) were injected with:~を注射された protein:タンパク質 triggered:~を引き起こした -causing:~を引き起こす autoimmune reaction:自己免疫反応 inhibit:~を阻止する Cancer Immunology:がん免疫学 AIDS:エイズ,後天性免疫不全症候群 senior author:主席著者
administered:投与を受けた was initiated:発症した doses:用量 methotrexate:メトトレキサート commonly:一般に significantly:著しく
progression:進行 peptide antigens:ペプチド抗原 rodents':げっ歯類の therapeutic:治療的 researchers:研究者